JEE is the most competent exam in our country. Every child dreams of studying in IITs, one of the prestigious engineering colleges of India. But getting into IITs is a task in itself, it not only demands your night’s sleep but also your time from your golden years of growing. One who overcomes these fears has the highest probability to get into IITs.
Here are some tips that help you to build a positive attitude throughout your preparation:
- Trust your goals: Once you get into the preparation there is no going back, preparing for JEE needs time and focus. Never doubt your preparation, just look towards your goal.
- Be Focussed and Consistent: You might have heard that consistency is key, it is TRUE without any doubt. While you prepare, the only thing you should be doing is studying, your and family members’ lives should revolve around your studies.
- Track Your Progress: You’re no doubt progressing each day, but that process should be in alignment to your preparations that requires constant checking, whether you are on the right track or not. Talk to your friends, keep updated to any changes in exam pattern or syllabus, etc.
- Reward Yourself: Add fun elements to your preparation by adding rewards of different types for yourself, if you get stuck with any concept, just say you can have that extra scoop of ice cream if you finish this concept or treat yourself with your favourite chocolate when you finish your deadline early, etc.
- Be Competitive and Not Comparative: There should be healthy competition between you and your fellow aspirants. Interact with each other, discuss things, concepts, for the sake of growing together in your preparations not for the sake of comparison.
Pro Tip: Be Kind to yourself, we all make mistakes in our lives, we should learn from the mistakes instead of cursing yourselves. Being too hard on ourselves only exhausts us.
They say, “Change in behaviour directly influences the performance of the individual.” to enhance your preparation, build a positive mindset in everything you do. Positivity brings confidence and confidence brings success. Make “confidence” a “habit” because we first make our habits then our habits make us.